Maria Beatriz






1940 - Born in Lisbon.

1959-60 - Studies at the University of Lisbon (Biology).

1964-65 - Studies Graphics at Cooperativa Gravura, Lisbon.

1966-68 - Studies Etching with S.W.Hayter at Atelier 17, Paris

              (With a grant from  Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation).

1973 - Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam, Diploma in Painting

          and Free Graphics.

1974 - Travels to Mexico with a grant from CRM (Dutch Ministery

          of Culture).

          Starts teaching Etching at Vrije Academie,

          The Hague (1988).

1978-80 - CRM grant for Painting and Drawing.

1980-87 - BKR subsidy (arrangement of Dutch government for

                Fine Art).

1983 - Begins to work with Gallery Asselyn, Amsterdam.

1987 - Exhibits the series "La tierra es lo probable paraiso


          (The world is the probable lost paradise)-G. Lorca at the

          Museum of  Modern Art of Arnhem.

          Shows at Gallery Asselyn two series of drawings:

          "Uma vida à beira-mar" (A life by the sea) and

          "La mer-mère-amère" (The sea-mother-sourness").

199O-92 - Works on the series "A guerra no meu jardim"

               (War in my garden).

1993-94 - Works on the series "Le rouge me monte aux lèvres"

               (In Red).

               Publishes an artist boek Maria Beatriz Works.

1998 - Exhibits part of her works made in the 80thies at

          Kunstuitleen K.N.S.M. eiland, Amsterdam.

          Anthologic Exhibition (I973-98) at Center of Modern

          Art - Casa da Cerca, Almada, Portugal.

          Begins to work with the Gallery Palmira Suso, Lisbon,

          showing the series "De Vermelho" (In Red).

1999 - Installation "Batatas, meu amor" (Potatoes, love)

          at Gallery Diferença, Lisbon.

          Since then works on the series "Vita Brevis" (2002).

2000 - Shows part of the paintings of the series "Vita Brevis"

           at Gallery Palmira Suso, Lisbon.

2002 - Exhibits the photos and the objects of "Vita Brevis" at the

           Center of Modern Art J.Azeredo Perdigão,

           Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon.

           This exhibition is also shown at Kunstuitleen K.N.S.M.

           eiland in 2003, Amsterdam and at Cultural Center

           Calouste Gulbenkian in 2004, Paris.

2006 - Makes drawings over the poem "Layla & Majnun"

           (Poet Nizami, 12 century), Project of SBKAmsterdam.

2007/08 - Starts the series "Oisive jeunesse ,à tout

           asservie..."(A.Rimbaud).Drawings and paintings.

                 Works on tiles.

2009 -   Exhibits drawings, tiles and one painting from the

           above refered series at Gallery Ratton, Lisbon.

              Shows the instalation "Vondelparkstudies" ( photo's and

           drawings) at Gallery 59/SBK Zuid /Adam.

2011 -   The Portuguese Silkscreen Center CPS/Lisboa

           edits two silkscreens.

           Exhibits drawings and one instalation

           (Series "Oisive jeunesse, à tout asservie." A. Rimbaud)

           at Cultural Center in Ponte de Sor.

2011/12 -  Works on the series "The Potatoes Eaters".

            Drawing and painting on velvet.

            Homage to Vincent Van Gogh.

2012 -  Exhibition "Alguém disse".

            Drawings, paintings and one cut-out tiles figure.

            Gallery Ratton, Oct. 2012.







Represented in the following collections:



Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Lisbon

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, (CAMJAP) - Lisbon

Casa da Cerca - Almada

Museu da Cidade - Lisbon

Museu do Trajo - Lisbon

Ilídio Pinho Foundation - O'porto

EDP Foundation

Jorge Gaspar Collection

Municipality of Ponte de Sor




Nederlandse Bouwfonds   - Gemeente Hoevelaken

John Loose collection - Amsterdam

Bram Volkers collection - Amsterdam

Congresgebouw  - The Hague

CRM, Rijksdienst  - The Hague

Haags Gemeente Museum  - The Hague

Arnhem Museum of Modern Art - Arnhem

Stedelijk Museum  - Gouda

S.B.K. Collection Amsterdam  

Books and catalogues



Emancipatie Aspekten, De Nederlandse Kunststichting, Amsterdam

POMAR, Júlio - Over het werk van Maria Beatriz.

In "Maria Beatriz", 's- Hertogenbosch: Dienst Beeldende Kunst, 1981.

DUINEN, Koos van - Over het werk van Maria Beatriz.

In "Maria Beatriz",'s-Hertogenbosch: Dienst Beeldende Kunst, 1981.

Contemporary Art of the Nederland, Amsterdam: Association of Modern Art Galleries and Dealers, s.d.

Grafiek in Nederland 1900-1980. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Stachelswine.

OELE, Anneke - In "Maria Beatriz tekeningen 1985-1986, Arnhem 1987.


AZEVEDO, Fernando de - Presentation. In "Maria Beatriz. Pintura, Desenho, Colagem". Lisbon: Galeria Triângulo 48, 1988.

MAGALHAES, Tereza - Presentation. In "Maria Beatriz: Pintura, Colagem". Lisbon: Galeria Triangulo 48, 1991.

MACHADO, Fátima Freitas - Volwassen Kinderen. Final Thesis in Museology, Amsterdam University, 1992.

Destinos Incertos, Portugese Kunstenaars in Nederland. Amsterdam: Galerie Langenberg, 1993.

KNAAP, Marike van der, Maria Beatriz. In "Een glimlach, zo te zien..."

Uden: Pronkkamer, 1995.

Onzichtbare Collecties. Amsterdam: S.B.K. Kunstuitleen, 1995.

RIBEIRO, Rogério - Presentation. In "Maria Beatriz,

Exposição Antológica 1973-1998". Almada: Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Casa da Cerca, 1998.


LOOSE, John - Presentation. In "Maria Beatriz, Exposição Antológica 1973-1998". Almada: Centro de Arte Contemporãnea,

Casa da Cerca, 1998.

Sensibilidades Femininas do Nosso Tempo. Lisbon: Palácio Foz, 1998.

Auto-Retratos da Colecção. Lisbon: Centro de Arte Moderna J. Azeredo Perdigão, 1999.

MOLDER, Jorge - Presentation. In "Maria Beatriz, Vita Brevis".

Lisbon: Centro de Arte Moderna J. Azeredo Perdigão, 2002.

LANDSAAT, Hans - Over het werk van Maria Beatriz. In "Maria Beatriz, Vita Brevis". Lisbon: Centro de Arte Moderna J. Azeredo Perdigão, 2002.

Desenho 1993-2003- Almada: Centro da Arte Contemporânea, Casa da Cerca, 2003.

POMAR, Julio - Ma soeur des Hollands. In " Vita Brevis".

Paris: Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004.

Black & White and a little bit of colour.

Arnhem: Museum of Modern Art 2005.


50 Anos de Gravura Portuguesa.

Lisbon: Sociedade Nacional de Belas- -Artes, 2006.

NAZARÉ, Leonor - Maria Beatriz. In "Naturalia, Obras da Colecção CAMJAP" Lagos, 2006.

50 Anos de Arte Portuguesa.

Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2007.

NAZARÉ, Leonor -Nazaré Leonor - in "Homenagem e Esquecimento"

(Homage and Oblivion) May 2009.

LA FORA  - “Portuguese artists abroad”

Electricity museum/ central Tejo


Newspapers and magazines


Over het eten. In "Chrysallis", Amsterdam, no. 7.


BEETS, Eric - Nieuwe realiteit in Kapberg.

Egmond a/d Hoef, 21 sep.

POMAR, Alexandre - Maria Beatriz. In "Diário de Notícias", Lisbon, 3 dec.


WELLING, Dolf - Bitterzoete "Caprichos" van Maria Beatriz. In "Kunstbeeld", Amsterdam, may.

DIAS, Margarida Silva - Maria Beatriz: Não falo sobre a alegria.

In "Expresso", Lisbon, 10 jun.

FERREIRA, Fernando - Hello South. Ritos e mitos de uma geraçao.

In "Vertical"- Círculo de Cultura Portuguesa na Holanda,

Amsterdam, no.10. jul-aug.


DIAS, Margarida Silva - Vinte portugueses na Holanda:

"as veias" do exílio assumido. In "Expresso", Lisbon, 5 may.



WESTEN, Mirijam - Werkelijkheid en Verlangen.

In "Opzij", Amsterdam, feb.

SANTEN, Ingrid van - De kloof tussen leven en verlangen.

In "Ruimte voor vrouwen in de beeldende kunst en architektuur", Amsterdam, no. 1. M 1987


LINDEN, Riet van de - In "Opzij", Amsterdam, mar.

SILVA, Rodrigues da - Interview. In "Diario Popular", Lisbon  18 may.

ELLE, Anneke - Maria Beatriz: Heimwee naar het verloren paradijs. In "Ons Erfdeel", Reekkem, no. 5.


AZEVEDO, Fernando de - Maria Beatriz: pacto com o quotidiano.

In "J.L.- Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias", Lisbon, 19 apr.


VRIES, Peter Yvon de - Het Arnhemse "Rommeltje".

In "De Tijd", Haarlem, no. 30. 28 jul.



BOTELHO, Margarida - Maria Beatriz.

In "Diário de Notícias", Lisbon, 17 feb.

OLIVEIRA, Luisa Soares de - A infância sem inocencia.

In "Público", Lisbon, 19 feb.

T.C.A. - As Pinturas - colagens de Maria Beatriz.

In "J.L. - Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias", Lisbon, 19 feb.

POMAR, Alexandre - Indisciplinas.

In "Expresso - Cartaz", Lisbon, 23 feb.


KLAASTER, J.B. In "Het Parool", 3 jun.

MOTA, Rui da Cruz - Os retratos de Beatriz.

In "Notícias Magazine", Lisbon/Oporto, no. 5, 28 jun.


SILVA, Rodrigues da - Maria Beatriz: A guerra no seu jardim. Interview. In "J.L. - Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias,Lisbon, 18 may.



POMAR, Alexandre - De Amsterdão a Évora: uma colectiva internacional sem fronteiras de paízes, gerações ou estilos. Sem recomendações e com descobertas. In " Expresso", Lisbon, 25 may 1998


NOORT, Sandrine van - Het reisverslag van Maria Beatriz.

In "Kunstbeeld", Amsterdam, no. 3. mar.

OLIVEIRA, Luisa Soares de - Um corpo levantado.


Maria Beatriz, De Vermelho. In "Tabacaria, Revista de Poesia e Artes Plásticas", Casa F.Pessoa, no. 8.


POMAR, Alexandre - Matérias Vivas. In "Expresso", 20 sep.

OLIVEIRA, Luisa Soares de - Os Girassóis de Van Gogh.

In "Público", 10 oct.



SOUSA, Rocha de - Maria Beatriz, Vita Brevis.

In 'J.L. - Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias", 6 mar.

RUIVO, Ana - Quotidiano Transitório. In "Expresso - Cartaz", 26 jan.

MARTINS, Celso - Maria Beatriz. In "Arte y Parte".


VLIET, Viveka van de - Geinspireerd door de aardappels van

Van Gogh. In "S.B.K.Magazine".

FÉRIA, Lourdes - Maria Beatriz, Diário de Bordo.

"Epicur", no.32. jan/feb.



ÁLVARO, Egídio - Maria Beatriz.

In "Latitudes - Cahiers Lusophones", no. 22. dec.


RUIVO, Ana - Mesas de Amesterdão. In "Expresso", 4 jun.

NUNES, Maria Leonor - Interview. In "J.L. -

Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias", 7 jun.

SOUSA, Rocha de - Maria Beatriz, naturezas mortas.

In "J.L. - Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias", 21 jun.



PINHARANDA, João - "Na mais alta torre, perante um estranho espelho"

June 2009

PORFIRIO, José Luis -"Oisive jeunesse, à tout asservie".

In  Expresso , 4 july.

SOUSA, Rocha de - "Ociosa Juventude" .

In JL- Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias", 15 july

Matos, Miguel - "Maria Beatriz , Menina e Moça" .

.In "Time Out" n° 101,  2 september



PINHARANDA, João - "Maria Beatriz" In the exhibition's catalogue

Electricity Museum, Lisbon Sept.2012

Rentes de Carvalho-"Maria Beatriz in the land of the Old Masters".

In the exhibition's catalogue / Electricity Museum, Lisbon, Sept. 2012

Santos José Manuel dos-"Um Lugar à Mesa". In the exhibition's booklet "Alguém disse:".Gallery Ratton, Oct.2012

Sousa, Rocha de-"Gallery Ratton, 25 anos Maria Beatriz". In JL, Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias Nov. 2012

Porfírio, José Luis- "Alguém disse". In Expresso Actual,  Nov. 2012

Matos, Miguel - "A outra família de Van Gogh". In Time Out Lisbon,

Sep. 2012

"Entre a vida privada e a crítica social".In Time Out Lisbon,

Oct. 2012